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MAGIC International Manga Contest : Register now !

MAGIC International Manga Contest is a unique contest powered by Shibuya Productions and Shônen Jump since 2017.

Its aim: discover new talents and give them a prestigious international visibility.

19 laureates have already been given this wonderful exposure since its creation! Will you be among the next ones?

Register right now!
The terms and conditions are

Send the terms and conditions, initialed on each page, signed and dated, at the following adress :

Discover the 3 winners of the 2022 edition on the bellow links.
FYI: The original versions are right after the Japanese versions.

You can also read the works of the previous years winners whenever you like!

The Great winner: “WATCHALAND” by Theodore Ekane

Runner-up : “Re:Coil” by Enjelicious

Favorite: “TRUE IKIGAI” by Loick Ngue and Kouadio Ahigo

Registration for the event

Registrations for MAGIC 2023 are finished.

Official partners

Monaco Info ACTIV5 DTC Radio Monaco Grimaldi Forum Fairmont Monte Carlo


Cédric Biscay
Cédric Biscay

MAGIC is finally back on February 25 and 26, 2023 after 3 years of absence caused by the global Covid 19 pandemic.